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Know and Believe God's Love for You

July 10, 2017 2 min read

1 Comment

Know and Believe God’s Love For You

Do you believe that God loves and cares for you all the time? Can you honestly say you believe this? God Demonstrated this love that he has for us by dying on the cross for us. It is easy for us to “know” about the love God has for us, but believing it in your heart is crucial. He will never hate us nor put us down. He will simply care and love us through all of our struggles.

Through difficult times, God wants us to believe that he is always on our side defending and taking care of us. This is so refreshing to hear, isn’t it? To realize that our Lord is there for us when we are at our lowest is amazing. He never hates nor puts down. If God, the most powerful human being in the universe is for us, can anyone ever come against us successfully? Think about that. Even when you feel as if you are messing up big time and making others mad, God wants us to believe that he is not angry with you or disappointed with you. The sum total of his anger against your sins fell upon Jesus at the cross. So he wants you to know and believe that he will never punish you because Jesus was punished in your place. When you feel you have messed up and can’t feel a sense of relief just remember that God still offers you the gift of no condemnation. So come boldly to His throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace. (Hebrews 4:16)

So sit back and think, do you believe? Can you believe? Will you believe that our Lord loves and cares for us at all times?  

1 Response


July 12, 2017

Thank you so very much for this message I needed this so badly tonight

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